Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ragdolls @ WCA2011

Although we didn't make it to Sunday, the boys did great and had great fun during the event. Our final standing in Division 4 was 13th. Not bad considering that we had little training time before the event but hell, we put up a good fight for all the teams that are up against us. they are not getting it easy from us.

Not to worry, despite the position. We still have 2012 in Division 3!!!

YES!! You heard it alright. Ragdolls are going up to D3!! See you people in WCA 2012. =)

We are here at WCA 2011.
Ragdolls at WCA 2011.
Ragdolls with Rampage Onslaught and Heartbreakers
You cannot fight a war on an empty stomach. =)
Dinner with one of our SG team, Team ACES.
Special thanks goes out to our guest player, Eddy from Raving Lunatics.